About The Hubbard County Republicans

Welcome to the online home of The Hubbard County Republicans.

The Hubbard County Republicans are a county-wide grassroots level political organization Located in Minnesota . The organization  has its own leadership, budget, by-laws, etc. In even numbered years the organization will hold local caucuses early in the year to discuss candidates and elect delegates (sometimes referred to as Precinct Committeemen) to the County Convention. At the County Convention, delegates are elected to represent the county membership at the Congressional District and State Conventions. On the odd numbered years, the county organization holds a convention to elect the county officers.

The local organization called a BPOU (Basic Political Organizating Unit) holds monthly meetings. The meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm.  Location will be posted on Events page and on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HubbardGOP/.   All who support the Platform of the Republican Party are encouraged to attend these meetings.   For more information contact info@hubbardcountygop.com 

Map of Hubbard County